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2023 Campaign

50% Fossil Free in 2023

In recognition of the current climate emergency, the New Haven Climate Movement is calling on individuals, organizations, and governments in the greater New Haven area to substantially reduce their fossil fuel emissions in 2023. As national governments fail to act with urgency, cities around the world have begun to step up as crucial agents of change. It is time for New Haven to do its part.


If you are an individual, please join us by signing our pledge here to work for a 50% reduction in individual and collective emissions in 2023. In signing our pledge, you are joining a community of local residents committed to both advocacy and individual change. Together, we can transform our city and become leaders in the movement for environmental justice.

If you are an organization, you can find organization pollution reduction resources here and sign on to the 2023 campaign here!


What We're Asking of Individuals 

We are asking individuals to work to cut their fossil fuel emissions by 50% in 2023. 

Our pledge encourages individuals to commit to: 

- Supporting advocacy and policy change.

-Engaging their clubs, organizations, church's, or places of work in responding to the climate emergency.
- Cutting air pollution from transportation, home heating, gas cooking, and gas powered lawn care. 
- Considering lifestyle changes such as eating less meat and dairy, shopping local produce, and avoiding shopping fast fashion.

What We're Asking of Organizations

It is vital that organizations create a collaborative environment that encourages people to cut their fossil fuel emissions. 

We are asking organizations to: 

- Support active, healthy transportation

- Take measures to go cut 50% of emissions and air pollution including exploring electrification and energy-efficiency.

- Support climate change advocacy 

- In social media/newsletter outreach to members, show off your great work to encourage others to care about this crisis!

Show that your organization cares about our futures and the climate emergency! You can  find organization pollution reduction resources here, then Pledge at the button below!

Organizations that have signed on to the 2023 Campaign include Common Ground, NHCAT, CPEN-West River Watershed Partnership, Junta for Progressive Action, New Haven Leon SCP, Judges Farm, IRIS, and Huneebee Project.

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What We're Asking of the City Government

In 2023, the City of New Haven needs to create a clear plan - with specific interim goals - on how it will reach zero net emissions and drastically reduce air pollution by 2030. 

The Board of Alders must take immediate and substantial steps to cut fossil fuel emissions in 2023. The BoA should commit at least $5 million more to cut fossil fuels and must create climate staff positions so that this emergency can be dealt with efficiently for the safety, health, and futures of all.

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